Making it home …


Its been a couple of weeks for us  now in Riyadh and the days are just passing by in a whirlwind. I was able to unpack most of the boxes in the first week, got the wardrobes in some kind of order. My first priority was to get the kitchen functional, and I did just that on our very first night here after the kids were in bed and every muscle in my body was also screaming for a long, well-needed rest. But I persisted. Went into a mind-over-body mode and took down the haphazard contents of the kitchen cupboards, did some scrubbing and cleaning and restored some kind of order in our small kitchen for us to wake up the next day and only think about what breakfast we want instead of sorting through clutter to find a dish or a spoon. Phew. For me with little ones in…

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Making it home …

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